He Knows My Name
Taking care of someone who is dying is very demanding. Doing it for a lengthy period of time is like running a marathon; it requires discipline, determination, and often times divine intervention.
I share this story with Karen’s permission.
Karen had been taking care of her mother for over four years. Karen’s mother had suffered a stroke and was suffering from dementia. Karen had some assistance from other family members, but Karen’s mother lived with her and Karen took care of her every day needs.
After one particularly trying week of hard work, Karen was feeling overburdened and exhausted. She questioned her abilities, chafed at the isolation and wondered whether God really knew where she was and what she was going through.
During the week, Karen reached out to God asking for reassurance. She continued to question and worry that she had been abandoned to suffer the immense responsibility of keeping someone alive all by herself.
At the end of the week, at the end of her prayer that day, she said, “God, do you know who I am and what I’m going through?”
Karen turned from her prayer and picked up the book of crossword puzzles which was her refuge for calming her mind and occupying her time.
As she put pencil to paper, the clue she worked on was in the center of the page, and each of the letters required to solve the puzzle, spelled the letters of her name. K A R E N
The odds were overwhelming! In that moment, Karen knew that God was clearly aware of who she was and what she was going through, and that He was personally partnering with her every step of the way.