JeanneLauree Olsen has served as a Hospice Chaplain for over 15 years. She currently sees terminal patients and their families for Signature Health At Home, serving the Salt Lake Valley. Throughout her career path she has provided spiritual support through the Huntsman Institute, I Promise Foundation and various other service organizations. For 5-1/2 years she served the needs of individuals, couples and families as co-therapist with V. Vernon Woolf, Ph.D. with an emphasis on the generational dynamics of addiction and abuse. For 15 years she traveled internationally as a corporate trainer. In this capacity she provided workshops and seminars on subjects such as conflict management, communication skills, and dealing with difficult people. Her clients included the Department of Defense, Colorado Department of Corrections, and “Use of Force” classes to law enforcement in various states. Through her life’s experiences she has come to understand the sensitive nature of those who are facing end of life issues. Her philosophy is that to die well one must live well. Her insights concerning how to apply the healing power of essential oils have the potential to provide understanding and assist others in the dying process. In nearly 5 decades of service, she has developed wisdom and skills with which she assists others in the process of generating a mighty change of heart. Those who work with her double their income, repair relationships and are restored to their divine nature. She uses the healing power of essential oils and Kyani nutritional products to assist in her work, which is dedicated to serving others in their life’s journey from beginning to end.

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    Praise & The Pitty Pot

    BY JEANNELAUREE | MAY 7, 2010 · 6:10 PM ↓ Jump to Comments Praise and the pity pot “To attract something that you want, become as joyful as you think that thing would make you. The joy, not the thing, is the point.” —  Martha Beck ”What you appreciate, appreciates!”       –Jenn Kuhlmann, Yoga Instructor Extraordinaire I happened to have several experiences recently that drove home the value of a gratitude attitude.  When I was traveling the world conducting seminars, I used the phrase gratitude attitude in several of the modules that I taught.  In fact, in my narcissistic little world, I actually thought I had coined the phrase! No matter, it got used and shared and…

  • Inspiration

    He Knows My Name

    Taking care of someone who is dying is very demanding. Doing it for a lengthy period of time is like running a marathon; it requires discipline, determination, and often times divine intervention.I share this story with Karen’s permission.Karen had been taking care of her mother for over four years. Karen’s mother had suffered a stroke and was suffering from dementia. Karen had some assistance from other family members, but Karen’s mother lived with her and Karen took care of her every day needs.After one particularly trying week of hard work, Karen was feeling overburdened and exhausted. She questioned her abilities, chafed at the isolation and wondered whether God really knew…

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    Dance Like No One Is Watching

    Oh my, fasten your seatbelts.  This may get a little bumpy.  Sometimes my thoughts are so jumbled that I start one place, go another, and then hopefully finish up tying the whole thing up in a bow.  Well, that’s where I am tonight.  So, please bear with me. My 13-year-old granddaughter is an eighth grader in junior high/middle school.  She loves ballroom dancing, and is on her school team.  When I went to her Christmas recital, I saw some girls dancing with themselves in dances where others were with couples.  It was explained to me that there are not enough boys, or boys flake out and don’t show up and…

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    Of Lamp Shades & Other Finds

    “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is a cliché.  Most of us are familiar with.  Yesterday, as I got lost looking for a patient’s home, I saw something interesting in a trailer by the roadside.  After a closer look, I realized it was an old upright piano lying on its side, more or less intact. After I completed my patient visit, I stopped back by the roadside piano and walked around it.  Once upon a time, it had been a real beauty.  Made of oak with real ivory keys now stained by age lay beached in the trailer like the carcass on animal left behind because it no longer…

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    People Like to Help

    People like to help.  Besides the scientific feel-good endorphins that are released, there is a goodness energy that expands into the world when one person helps another. For five and half years I worked with a clinical psychologist.  In the waiting room at his office, there was a bronze sculpture called The Assent prominently displayed in one corner. Two Native Americans are struggling on the face of a jagged cliff. The one above reaches out and extends himself, grasping for the one below. The one below looks up and also reaches out to receive the hand of safety and strength. Sculptor, Gary Price says of his creation: “Climbing the mountain…

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    Home Office, Far From Homely

    Several years ago one of my favorite people Ann McIndoo, invited me to guest-blog.  The topic was writing space/office space. Some topics just take time to percolate.  Others are questions where the answers must be lived into. Here’s what I found about organizing my space; organically, it emerged, that I require three areas for creative activities.  One is my client office.  It consists of my mother’s bookcases, a loveseat and an overstuffed chair for me.  The second space is my general office area.  And the third-place is my dining room table.  It affords me large surface space where an entire project can be laid out.  There is room on the…

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    Pulled by Purpose

    The burnout rate for hospice work is an average of 2 to 3 years.  I’ve been a hospice chaplain for over 15 years, but I took a five year hiatus in the middle of this time to care for both of my parents who were on hospice.  I think that gave me a chance to recharge my batteries.  I know for sure, it gave me depth perception.  I found out what it was like to “stand on the other side of the bed”, and be the caretaker, not a professional team member. It is apparent to all who know me, how much I love my job, in spite of its…

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    Marketing or Miracles

    Three months ago, Erica one of the marketing directors for the company I work for, came to me with another one of her great ideas.  She was assigned to visit a high end care facility with services for independent and assisted living.  As a hospice chaplain, I had seen patients in this facility and the residents were typically well educated and had lives before retirement, that were usually professional and productive.  Because of that, it’s no surprise that these people would continue to that same kind of life after retirement. It was Erica’s idea, based on conversations she had had with residents during her visits, that there was a need…

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    The Sundance Experience

    When I was teaching communication workshops, I would make the point that even giving directions revealed our frames of reference.  Architects would describe various buildings between landmarks to reach a destination, shoppers would talk about stores along the way, and, I would direct you to the destination by telling you about every restaurant and burger joint. Yesterday, my daughter was giving me directions by stating that the location was near a Nordstrom Rack.  I was shocked to realize I had no idea where it was. There was a period in my life when I could not only give you precise driving directions to every Nordstrom location in Utah, but, for…

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    This may be a bit of a hodgepodge tonight kind of an Irish stew with salt bread– I think that’s what they are advertising it neater for St. Patty’s day.  I’m going to go get some on Monday with my friend Christa.  Wow, what an amazing person she is.  Escaped a polygamous marriage with her three kids and was able to keep them healthy, mentally and emotionally.  She met the most fabulous guy a year later and married him a year after that.  She is brilliant and beautiful a redhead in all of the best ways imaginable about redheads.  Her husband, Al, is as beautiful as she is, but he…